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Co-creation Subphase Report

Co-creation Subphase Report


In the continuity of the construction of the II National Action Plan (NAP) for Open Government, the network hosted the co-creation sessions for the Future Commitments on 3 to 11 March 2021. This program had the production and logistical support of the Association for the Promotion and Development of the Information Society (APSDI), each of the workshops was subdivided into four subthemes, in a total of 16 rooms, co-organized by members of the National Network for Open Administration, specifically, the Administrative Modernization Agency, IP (AMA), the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE), the Platform of Civil Society Associations – Casa da Cidadania (PASC) and Transparency and Integrity | Transparency International Portugal (TI-PT).

The workshops focused the validation and the development of ideas to potential commitments and were attended by citizens, civil society organisations and companies, with a total of 266 participants. 

We have recently published a summary of the main ideas and highlights of the workshops, as well as possible commitments for the II NAP.