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Forum #1: "Technological Shift, Open Data and Digital Inclusion"

Forum #1 "Technological Change, Open Data and Digital Inclusion"




Within the scope of the  II National Plan of Open Administration (Plan), the first session of the Thematic Discussion Forum Program took place the 2nd December, under the theme "Technological Change, Open Data and Digital Inclusion". The session was organized by National Open Administration Network (Network) and by Agência para a Modernização Administrativa (AMA), having had about 25 participants.

The opening presentation focused on the objectives and mode of action of the Open Government Partnership Portugal (OGP), having discussed the activities of the Network, the recently concluded I Action Plan and, with special emphasis, the proposed approach to the II Action Plan.

The session had two guest speakers, with the first of the presentations, given by Sérgio Belo, head of the AMA Digital Experience team, focusing on "digital inclusion".  João Curado Silva, responsible for the AMA component of Data Science in Public Administration projects, he chose “open data” as the central theme of his exhibition.

The discussion forum followed, with the participants' interventions identifying some prevalent challenges around these matters:


On technological shift and digital inclusion:


Situation Identified


Public digital services

Orientation of electronic services to scattered and non-aggregated formalities

Orientation of electronic services to the life and real needs of citizens and businesses

"Once Only" principle

Multiplicity of interactions of the citizen or company with electronic services of the Public Administration, with a view to fulfilling their obligations or solving need

Generalize the principle of "single contact", with a view to carrying out different procedures through single interaction


Lacks in public digital platforms and services in terms of navigability and usability standards

Optimize experimentation procedures before implementation, focusing on the user; improve the criteria for recognizing usability standards

Digital Shift

Even though there is an increasing availability of digital platforms and services by public entities, there are deficiencies in terms of the range of services available and the respective functionality

Replace the “digital transformation” paradigm with that of digital acceleration; bring the country closer to the standards of public electronic services of countries considered as references in this field; identify and enhance factors that are a part of this digital acceleration process



Sobre dados abertos:


Situation Identified


Data made available

Lack of commitment by public institutions in making data available; national strategy for access to Public Administration data ranked among the worst in certain rankings

Opportunity represented by the transposition of the European Directive in the near future (2021) to generate in the Public Administration services a real commitment with the provision of high value data

Data update

Data made available are often "dead data", appearing loose or out of date

DataSets to be made available predominantly from the entities' systems, with the possibility of scrutinizing their actuality and the inherent dynamics

Data reuse

DataSets made available often do not facilitate reuse or are not susceptible to reuse (open data versus free data)

Provision of updated data with greater added value, which facilitate and enhance the respective reuse and aggregation, generating informative added value

Dados.Gov Portal

Problems identified in terms of the platform structure, the updating of the data provided, the navigability and the difficulty of consultation

Improve the structure of the platform and enhance strategies that encourage the availability of updated and high value data, enhancing reuse; take advantage of improvements that may come from civil society


This first forum, due to the open and participative discussion it provided, was an example of what is intended for the Thematic Discussion Forum Program and for this initial phase of II PANAA.

We share the key contents of the webinar below:


Calendar of the next forums (free to open participation, by filling out formulário de inscrição):

  • Forum #2 - "Open Administration and Civic Participation" | December 9, 3 pm-4pm

Hosts: National Open Administration Network & PASC - Casa da Cidadania

  • Forum #3 - "Transparency and Access to Information" | December 11, 3 pm-4pm

Hosts: National Open Administration Network & Transparência e Integridade

  Until December 11th is also available the ideas collection questionnaire for the II PANAA.