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Clear State Organization - Clear State Organization

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#6 - Clear State Organization

Take advantage of the reformulation of the Information System of State Organization (SIOE - https://www.sioe.dgaep.gov.pt) to: - Ensure that an interface is developed for the system that allows the ordinary citizen to understand and "navigate" in the global universe of state entities, in their various institutional forms; - Allow the citizen to select from the new interface an entity or set of entities and directly access the relevant information about those entities in other portals. That is, making SIOE an "anchor" portal for access to relevant data sources for accountability processes (such as base.gov.pt)

At the moment, it is not clear to the ordinary citizen what the different organizations and entities that are part of the State are: how many, what kind they are and how they are organized

An interface that allows the citizen to interact intuitively with the SIOE allows him to know the entities and organizations that constitute the State

Ministry of the Presidency and of Administrative Modernisation

To be defined