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Improvements in the Public Service from the perspective of the user (citizen proposal) - Improvements in the Public Service from the perspective of the user (citizen proposal)

angle-left Improvements in the Public Service from the perspective of the user (citizen proposal)

#18 - Improvements in the Public Service from the perspective of the user (citizen proposal)

Implementation of a Quality Management System for Services, which aims to improve the perception of the user when visiting a public service. This system will be designed with the aim of achieving the desired results and will be implemented using existing resources, through training actions and appointment of quality representatives throughout the administrative function and at all hierarchical levels. The Quality Management System may, in an initial period, focus on the provision of service in direct contact with the client and created the conditions, may be extended to the optimization of operational processes and human resources management, such as recruitment processes, definition of careers, establishment and measurement of goals and productivity. The quality policies will be transmitted hierarchically from top to bottom and the results will be measured with appropriate tools by the representatives of quality in each space where the public service of direct contact with the user is provided. The user will be consulted to express their level of satisfaction and perception of the improvements introduced.

The reception environment and the way of service in the Portuguese public services, even in the Portuguese consular services, are the country's business card. The neglect of waiting places, workplaces, the attitude with which one receives and attends to the user and often the non-attendance of telephone calls, especially in Consulates, leaves the user (and potential investor) the image of a dysfunctional country.

A public service that presents itself to the user with the quality of service of a successful private company will be visible and appreciated by all and will contribute to the improvement of the image and reputation that the country has, both in the eyes of national and international users. The perception of a good service will bring much advantages beyond the satisfaction of the user.


One-year pilot project, followed by continued implementation.