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Publicação do I Plano de Ação Nacional de Administração Aberta

Publication of the I National Action Plan for Open Administration


Portugal published, on December 2018, its first National Action Plan for Open Administration, which was developed by the National Network for Open Administration through a process of co-creation that involved the public sector and civil society, including an online public consultation held between November 19, 2018 and December 3, 2018.

This plan includes 8 commitments devised to promote transparency and access to public sector information, foster public participation and boost the use of public open data, and will be implemented until August 2020 by the National Network for Open Administration, in articulation with other relevant stakeholders of the public sector and civil society when needed. The I National Action Plan for Open Administration is available here, on the OGP Portugal website, and is also published on the Open Government Partnership website.